Monday, August 2, 2010


A couple nights ago I finished reading Radical, by David Platt. And I feel like I'm only just beginning to understand how the truths in the book should affect my life. If any book can expose the gradual, numbing draw of materialism, this one can. It's a challenging read, and as such, is not easily taken lightly. But still, my fear is that the truths in it will just sink into my brain and be only a set of beliefs. Not my life. God is growing in me a desire to be able to leave everything for the sake of Christ, and He's slowly been showing me what that looks like. We ought to love Him so much that our day is filled with thoughts of Him. God gives us the desire for Him through his Word and through prayer, and we should pray to Him for these desires. In a world where we're bombarded with temporary things, it's easy to do what everyone else is doing and fix our eyes on other things. Our following Christ takes work. It takes being actively focused. Just like any relationship, it needs intentional time. It needs love. And love grows with our time with Him in prayer and in his Word.

So in an effort to keep thinking about this stuff, I'm going to read the book again. And take notes this time around. I'll post the highlights and thoughts about it on this blog after each chapter. And I'll try to go through at least one chapter a week. We'll see how it goes. Please feel free to discuss stuff in the comments below any of these posts.


  1. Toni was telling me about this book. I guess I REALLY must read it now.

  2. Thanks Alan! I look forward to it.

  3. this is a really good idea, alan! : ) i was just thinking the other day how it would be really easy to say, "wow!that was a convicting read & i have much to think about" and then get caught up in daily life and forget all about living intentionally, prayerfully, sacrificially, and globablly. i echo laura - looking forward to reading your thoughts.
